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Persistence in the ordinary


In December 2004, Wang Congling, just over 20 years old, came to Shanghai Shangyi Kangge Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. to become an ordinary warehouse manager. After his continuous research and unremitting efforts, he has now become the backbone of the company, serving as the manager of the storage and transportation department of Kang Pigeon, responsible for the warehouse management and logistics management of the enterprise.

Last year, in Shanghai's global control, due to the control requirements, only one person can drive delivery, he silently shouldered the heavy responsibility of medical material transportation of Kangge company, propped up a day of enterprise material market guarantee, he is the most ordinary "ordinary people", but also the most extraordinary "epidemic line retrograde delivery man". In more than ten years of warehouse management work, he has accumulated a lot of professional knowledge. Can lead the team members by example, with practical actions, seriously implement the company's strategic deployment, in-depth logistics transportation and warehousing limited space of reasonable planning; Able to develop and innovate, creatively carry out work according to the actual situation, improve the overall efficiency, and make outstanding contributions to the smooth completion of various tasks of the company.

Supply chain is a new field of enterprise competition, warehousing is an indispensable part of the whole supply chain competition. At present, the goal of warehouse management is accurate, rapid and efficient. As the window between the enterprise and the user, the storage department should standardize the warehouse operation, adhere to the basic requirements of the goods are not broken, the number of goods is not bad, fast and safe, cheap and high quality, strengthen the training of the sense of responsibility of the department staff, fully meet the needs of customers, and actively maintain the company image.

In this era of endeavor, we need "ordinary people" like him, with full enthusiasm, persistent pursuit, firm will, gathering strength, hand in hand to cast the extraordinary in the ordinary, with the spirit of hard work, to achieve the centennial goal of the enterprise.

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