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Basic information of the enterprise

1、Basic information of the enterprise

Company name: Shanghai Shangyi Kangge Medical Equipment Co., LTD

Registered capital: RMB 650.0000 yuan

Type of enterprise: Pharmaceutical Industry

Nature of enterprise: State-owned enterprise

Date of establishment: June 6th 2001

Address: 3rd Floor, No. 1196, Tongpu Road, Putuo District, Shanghai

Contact: 0086-21-52701804

2、Organizational structure

3、Corporate governance team

Board of directors:

  Chairman: Zhang Jianchang

  Directors: Qiao Liang, Gao Wenting

Administrative team:

  General Manager: Qiao Liang

  Deputy General Managers: Zheng Xinyue, Zhu Sunyu

  Branch Secretary, union President: Zhang Yi

4、human resources

  65 people by the end of August 2023

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