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Recuperation trip, feel the warmth of the union family


In order to give full play to the role of the trade union's "family", protect and promote the physical and mental health of the staff, stimulate the enthusiasm of the staff, improve the enthusiasm and efficiency of the staff, enhance the staff's sense of belonging to the enterprise, and reflect the care of the enterprise for the staff, the organization of staff recuperation activities is an important part of the company's trade union to build cohesion project.

From September 14 to 16, the labor union of Shangyao Kangge Company organized front-line workers to carry out the "Moganshan three-day and two-night rest" activity. This time, the workers stay in the Mogan Villa with the "paradise" of Wuling Village, the content mainly includes visiting, learning and leisure sightseeing, the activities are based on rest, study as a supplement, in the work to enrich the cultural life of the workers, release the physical and mental pressure.

As the "family" of the majority of workers, the company's trade union adheres to the service purpose of "respecting front-line workers, caring for front-line workers, serving front-line workers", insists on doing practical things for front-line workers, solving difficulties, doing good deeds, and pays attention to the physical and mental health of front-line workers.

The front-line workers who participated in the recuperation activities have said that through this activity, they once again felt the care and love of the trade union organization for the workers, which not only relieved the work pressure, relaxed the mood, cultivated the sentiment, but also built a platform for communication and exchange.After returning to work, they will be more full of spirit, dedication and hard work. Release positive energy and create new performance in their respective jobs.

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