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Shangyao Kangge visited Huakun Medical


On September 20, Shanghai Shangyi Kangge Medical Equipment Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Shangyao Kangge"), led by Chairman Zhang Jianchang, made an in-depth inspection visit to Ningbo Huakun Medical Equipment Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Huakun Medical").

Sun Ningwei, general manager of Huakun Medical and his team warmly received Shangyao Kang Pigeon line.

Huakun Medical intelligent manufacturing factory is located in Ningbo Cixi, Shangyao Kang Pigeon team felt the advanced manufacturing strength of Huakun company, in-depth understanding of Huakun company's products and technology.

The two sides introduced their respective companies and products to each other, and had a warm and in-depth discussion about possible product cooperation. The visit deepened the understanding between the two sides, and the two sides clarified the direction of cooperation at the meeting. The two sides will continue to maintain close communication and exchange, and find products as the entry point for cooperation, so as to promote the common development of the two sides' business and create a better future.

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