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Shangyao Kangge held 119 fire month comprehensive emergency plan drill


On November 10, 2023, Shanghai Shangyi Kangge Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. organized a comprehensive fire emergency plan drill in Shangyao Medical Equipment Industrial Park, No. 200, Jinbao Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai. The activity was led by Qiao Liang, general manager of the company, and Zhu Sunyu, deputy general manager, with a total of 24 employees participating, including warehousing and logistics, production, quality, engineering equipment, security and general manager.

The drill includes personnel evacuation, fire equipment operation training and actual fire fighting operations. The drill consolidated the staff's grasp of the "four capabilities" level of fire protection, strengthened the coordination of various departments of the company in emergency situations, and improved the staff's response to emergencies and emergency handling capabilities. It laid a solid foundation for the next step of the relocation of the production base of Shangyao Kangge.

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