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Shangyao Kangge attended the 7th Lingnan Minimally Invasive Interventional Medicine Summit Forum


From December 7 to 9, 23, the 7th Lingnan Minimally Invasive Interventional Medicine Summit Forum hosted by Guangdong Medical Education Association, China Electronic Journal of Interventional Radiology, China Women and Children Intervention Alliance, and China Hemangioma Vascular Malformation Alliance was held in Guangzhou.

Shangyao Kang Pigeon as China women and children intervention Alliance industry executive director unit invited to attend.

The conference continued the characteristics of previous sessions, adhering to the purpose of "exchange, cooperation, inheritance, innovation", by a number of well-known intervention, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics experts from inside and outside the region, with expert lectures, case discussions and surgical demonstrations, in-depth exchanges and discussions with the industry peers.

At this conference, Shangyang Kangge brought its four tubal series interventional diagnosis and treatment products, and its application in hysterosalpingography, tubal recanalization and embolization diagnosis and treatment has been widely recognized by industry experts.

Shangyao Kangge has many years of experience and accumulation in the field of salpingography and interventional diagnosis and treatment. Since 2018, it has actively participated in the activities of the China Women and Children Intervention Alliance, and promoted the selection and licensing of the national standardized training base, demonstration base and application base of hysterosalpingography and intervention together with the Alliance, making positive efforts for the continuous progress and development of the industry.

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