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The company's trade union holds a staff meeting for four sessions


In order to consolidate harmonious labor relations, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and further promote the sustainable development of the company, the new trade union of Shanghai Shangyikangge Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. held the fourth session of the first staff meeting on December 19, 2023.

The trade union reported to all employees the performance of Shanghai Shangyi Kangge Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. in the "collective contract", the "Special collective Contract for the protection of female employees' rights and interests" and the "collective wage negotiation Agreement" in one year.

In the process of implementing the provisions of the above documents, the trade union, the administrative department and the general staff have ensured their seriousness and effectiveness through communication and negotiation, and jointly built a harmonious labor relationship of the company.

After a vote of all employees, a new round of collective Wage negotiation Agreement was passed and signed, marking another solid step forward for the company in protecting the rights and interests of employees.



Shangyao medical equipment Party Committee deputy secretary, deputy general manager, Shangyao Kangge chairman Zhang Jianchang attended the meeting. He thanked the trade union for its work in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of employees and the special interests of female employees, reviewed and affirmed the achievements of employees this year, and expressed appreciation for the departments that have made outstanding contributions, and finally encouraged everyone to go all out in the year-end sprint stage to achieve the company's business goals.


The successful holding of this conference reflects the unremitting efforts of Shangyao Kangge in safeguarding the rights and interests of employees, and also shows the firm determination of the company to promote sustainable development.


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