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Shangyao Kangge warmly congratulates Huaihe River basin tubal intervention alliance established


From November 24 to 26, Shangyao Kangge was invited to participate in the founding meeting of the Huaihe River Tubal Intervention Alliance of the China Women and Children Intervention Alliance, sponsored by the Jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Association and the China Women and Children Intervention Alliance, the Jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Association radiological Intervention Branch, the Huaihe River Tubal Intervention Alliance, the Huaian City Maternal and Child Health Hospital and the Nanjing Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

During the conference, many well-known interventional, gynecological and reproductive experts from inside and outside the region made special speeches and discussions on the operation methods and norms of hysterosalpingography and interventional treatment, and interventional treatment of women and children's diseases.

Shangyang Kangge's four fallopian tube series products appeared at this conference, and their applications in hysterosalpingography, fallopian tube recanalization and embolization diagnosis and treatment were widely recognized by the experts attending the conference.

During the conference, many well-known interventional, gynecological and reproductive experts from inside and outside the region made special speeches and discussions on the operation methods and norms of hysterosalpingography and interventional treatment, and interventional treatment of women and children's diseases.

Shangyao Kangge, as the executive director of the China Women and Children Intervention Alliance industry unit, expressed warm congratulations to the Huaihe River Basin tubal Intervention Alliance established under the China Women and Children Intervention Alliance. The company has many years of experience and accumulation in the field of salpingography and interventional diagnosis and treatment. The "Pregnant Trip" salpingography and interventional standardized diagnosis and treatment Forum created by the company has been held for six consecutive years since 2018. Shangyaokang Pigeon will continue to make positive efforts for the progress and development of the industry.

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