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Shangyao Kangge and Qingdao Xisheng further deepen the strategic cooperation between the two sides


At the beginning of the New Year, on the basis of the strategic cooperation intention signed by the two sides in July 2023, Shangyao Kangge and Qingdao Xisheng conducted an in-depth cooperation and exchange in Qingdao on January 4-5, which determined the direction for further deepening the strategic cooperation between the two sides.

At the exchange meeting, Zhang Jianchang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Shangyao Medical Equipment, deputy general manager and chairman of Shangyao Kang Pigeon, as Shangyao medical equipment under the research and development, production and sales of medical consumables, Shangyao Kang Pigeon should accelerate the integration of both products in the strategic cooperation with Qingdao Xisheng, and continue to innovate and develop through registrants and commissioned production to adapt to market changes. Wang Qingsheng, chairman of Qingdao Xisheng, is very optimistic about the prospects of cooperation with Shangyao Kangge, and the two sides have strong complementarity in products, technologies, markets and other aspects, which is expected to achieve resource sharing and complementary advantages, and jointly enhance the position of both sides in the medical device market.

When talking about the cooperation model, representatives of the two sides said that they will carry out in-depth cooperation around core products, marketing models, production and manufacturing. The two parties will jointly study market dynamics and grasp policy guidance to achieve rapid business development. The two sides will also explore synergies in research and development, production, sales and other links to improve product competitiveness and market share. The two sides will take this exchange as an opportunity to further strengthen communication and promote cooperation as soon as possible. In the future, the two sides will work together to inject new vitality into the development of cooperation.

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